R00t Y0ur D3vic3 ?

3 min readMar 18, 2022

Well since Stuff like Android became a Thing, we all ask us Several Questions like..

=> Which one is better, the Apple or the Android?
=> Which one is more Secure?
=> Where do I get more for my money?

But Today we are going into something else. When we (nerds) get new Hardware, we ask ONE very simple Question…

In Terms of Apple, this will be A Pain in the Ass :) Apple doesn’t want us to change Stuff so what we need there would be an literal “Jailbreak” but…

So, lets come to the (at least if you ask those typical “Starbucks” nerds who have like no idea what they talk about apart from being sussy Bakas) “more unsecure” system… our beloved Android :)

Well Android is (since some Time now) one of the Most Used Operating Systems on the Planet. It comes on almost every Device (which is not from Apple At least) and not only has tons of variants but also Tons of Features. But what we do know is…

It Has an Linux Kernel :)

So, if you know Linux at least a Bit, then you know that Linux has some Sort of “User Managment” with Privileges. That roughly means, you have User rights and Root Rights. If you are Root, you are an God with Great Powers who can freely do as a God Pleases BUT you can also easily kill eveything in your linux because it wont even question your (from time to time) stupid decisions.

Humans.. are mostly dumb and foolish, we all know this haha, so The Creator of Android did something quite good, they took us the Rights to be an R00t User and gave us the Role of a Peasant.

(When I look on some Smartphones nowadays I am ABSOLUTLEY fine with this :P)

So, what Do we now do if we want some more Rights on Our Android Devices? We are not Root so we can do the Bare minimum of Stuff and we are Nerds. We life to Explore new cool shit?

Well We can obviously do Stuff :)

We can do something called “Rooting” of the Device. What this means you ask?

In Linux we have the Commands “sudo” and “su” which both makes us get more rights on the System. We like to do this when we do things with higher Privilege needs. In Android we dont have Stuff like this. But we have tools to help us archive the Goal of “Mobile-Freedom”.

Most Smartphones nowadys have 3 Versions of “Booting up” (technicaly there are 4).

The “normal boot” => Turn on the Smartphone via pressing the right button
The “fast boot” => Turn on your Smartphone Pressing 2 or more Buttons to get it to “flash” mode.
The “Secure boot” => Turn on your Smartphone to Hard Reset it.

Two of them can be used for R00ting. The 4.th I mentioned was something called “ADB” but I wont talk about this Right now :)

So, what happends if we Root our smartphone? We unlock the ability to doo all of the Stuff we want.

But Remember, if you do so not only YOU will have those abilities. Even every App on your smartphone can do as you please.

I personally would recommend to double think if you wanna do this.

Like I said with Great Power comes Great Responsibility

More to this Later…


